(no subject)

Feb 20, 2006 18:51

Oh man, the last few days have been quite memorable.
But I suppose it's time to get back to the normal.

So my birthday was Sunday.
Went out Saturday night and drank way too much.
I was doing alright until the Tequilla.
After that it was all downhill.

Had a pinning ceremony for Delta Sigma Pi last night.
That was alright.
I'm really excited to join though.
I've got a feeling that it's going to be a lot of fun.
And all the people are really nice.

Then we went to TGI Fridays for drinks after the ceremony.
I only had like 3 drinks though,
cause I really was in no shape to get drunk again.
I think I would be fine if I never drank again.
But it was my 21st, so I had to.
In all honesty though, I'm really not all about going to the bar all the time and getting drunk.
Just because I'm 21 isn't going to make me enjoy getting wasted any more.

I mean, yeah, a drink every now and then is okay,
but I'm just not a big fan of drinking.
I feel like I grew out of it a long time ago.
It was cool and fun during high school, and maybe even my freshman year,
but now I feel like there's so many other important things that I should be doing,
and drinking isn't one of them.
And by saying that, I mean absolutely no offense to anyone who does enjoy drinking.
It's just not for me.
I wish I knew more people that were really focused on school and their careers,
rather than just thinking about today.

I had my meeting with Dr. Yien at school today.
He extended my scholarship for an extra year,
and said they would pay for the extra 26 credits I need for my program.
I couldn't have been happier.
The fact that SVSU is paying for all of my tuition, 150 credits, still amazes me.
He did warn me though, that my grades better not drop or they would take it away.
Which just gives me all the more reason not to drink.

Nick just called me.
I haven't talked to him in a really long time.
That probably doesn't mean much to any of you,
but it was cool that he called just to chat.
I really miss him, along with a few of my other friends from high school.

I think it's time to go study.
Accounting exams are a killer.
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