I figure an update at least once a week will be sufficient.
The first week of school is officially over.
And I officially want to drop out of school.
It shouldn't be too bad, but I just don't want to do all the homework.
My econ professor is old and crazy.
But that class should be relatively easy, so I won't complain about a bad prof.
Intermediate Accounting II is going to be a lot of work, but not too bad.
Federal Income Tax Accounting is going to kill me.
The homework assignments are huge, and there's way too much reading to do.
Work isn't too bad.
I've been putting in more hours at Dow than I would like,
but I have more work to do than I could possibly get done, even in a 40 hour week.
I have to go back to Ric's tomorrow.
I am pretty sure that's going to kill me.
I'm thinking about taking a different job though, and possibly leaving Ric's.
SVSU is looking for Accounting tutors.
I think they make around $6 an hour, but I don't think I would be able to work very many hours there.
I think I'm going to call them and get some more information though.
I have actually been sort of working out lately.
My mom bought a treadmill.
I've been running almost 2 miles a day.
Or at least the days when I'm at home.
And then I try to do sit ups and all that shit.
It makes me feel a little less lazy.
I'm going to Delta Sigma Pi's meeting this Sunday.
I'm going to miss Grey's Anatomy and the end of 24's season premiere.
But I'm sure it will be worth it.
It should be fun.
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