Dec 13, 2005 17:09
Oh has been a really long time since I've written in here.
I guess I just really haven't had time lately.
School has been killing me.
Just trying to get ready for the end of the semester.
I went to the library on Saturday (the only day I've had off of work in like 2 weeks).
I stayed there studying for nearly 6 hours.
Since then, I just haven't had the motivation to study anymore.
I took today and tomorrow off of work to study.
I haven't touched an Accounting book all day.
And I have to leave in like 20 minutes to go take the exam.
But I got an A in my Finance class and I don't even have to take a final! THANK GOD!
So all I have to do is take my Accounting final tonight, and my Management final tomorrow night.
Work is killing me.
I mean, I love working at Dow.
Everyone is so nice and the work actually interests me.
Ric's, on the other hand, makes me want to kill someone.
But, school and work aside, shit has been crazy.
I never realized how much I lost touch with my friends until recently.
I also never realized how much I missed some of them.
I've talked to more of my old friends in the past two days than I have in months.
It's a shame that it takes something really horrible happening to get me to call my friends.
It's kinda crazy that I haven't updated this thing in almost two weeks.
And now, when I really should be studying, I happen to find time to update.
I hate school, but I must go.
Leave me some comments!