Jul 17, 2002 21:56
ahh im boredd..im about to go down stairs to watch something about the pop disaster tour..boy am i gonna think of that night..of my zack and how he secured me in his arms ..and the vision of him singing the green day songs with all his might..damn memories! lol sorry got caught up in the moment..
today was pajama day at camp..i wore my valentines day p.j's whhop!! i looked like a retard though lol anyways...me and jenny went boy hunting..we decided need hook ups and we need to STOP being picky..yeh..
i came home today with a headache and i took like 216546856 asprin..and i came home and did pilates..fun!~@ lol im getting a 4 pack!! lol i've only been doing them for two weeks..how proud of me are you guys!! whoop! i guess maybe i will be thin enough for schoolio..lolz..i've cut back on food also..no meat ..only once a week..only steamed veggies and brown rice..balanced diet whoop! lolz..yeh..
anyways im gonna go watch my blinkie tour buh bye now :]