Jul 10, 2002 23:13
heyy peoples .. sry i didnt post..i've been busy..camp was boring..tomorrow i have a late stay and i dont wanna go but i have to because its part of my job! bleh. Klaud didnt visit me todayy ..yehh its otay though cuz i hadda meeting..thank god sam didnt say anyhting to me today..maybe because i only saw him once todayy..yeh Jenny called Zack today and I ran away cuz she called him and i regret not talking to him because i miss him so much and he hasnt been online for a while..yeh..well i can still call by myself but im a chicken and i have to wait for him to call me..i guess i'll be waiting a lot of a long time..hehe well i have the rest of the summer to change and i will..at least be a size small by the end of the summer right now im linke a medium\large...depending on brands..yeh..so anywayssss..bleh i miss zachary..i dont even know him anymore..its sad really..i want brandon to get AIM so i can talk to him i miss him a lot also...i dont know why though..i mean i dont like him like that its just he and i were getting really close and now its like ... start from strach..i miss him..brandon if ur reading this i love you mwaz! i think im gonna go i have a long day tomorrow
alwayz erica!@!#