Title: Along the Way
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Hayden Romero, Malia Tate
Pairing: Hayden/Malia
Rating: G
Word count: 150
A/N: No spoilers. Written for the 'Space' prompt for
drabble cycle 12 at
femslash100 and the 'sci-fi/fantasy setting' prompt for the
Femslash February Couples Meme. Also on
AO3. Complete table
Summary: Hayden and Malia are passengers on a spaceship bound for Mars.
Hayden stared out the window of the spaceship, looking at the stars. She was so hypnotized by the view, she didn’t realize anyone was approaching her until Malia gently took her by the hand.
“It sure is beautiful up here, isn’t it?” said Malia. “Can you believe some people chose to sleep throughout the journey?”
Hayden shook her head. “No” she said. “After all, how often do you get to fly to Mars?”
“Exactly!” said Malia. “I guess some people are so focused on getting to the colony they aren’t interested in the journey itself. Which is a shame.”
“It is” said Hayden. “After all, you never know who you might meet along the way.”
“Like some annoying woman who turns out to be the love of your life?” asked Malia with a playful wink.
Hayden laughed. “Exactly someone like that” she said, before leaning in and kissing her girlfriend.