1 Million Words - February Bingo Card 01 - Romance

Feb 02, 2017 23:48

Below is my (first) card for this month's bingo at 1_million_words. Since its February, I chose the category Romance.

Chocolates (The Originals, Hayley/Rebekah, G)
If You're With Me (Riverdale, Betty/Veronica, G)
My Favorite (Carmilla, Carmilla/Laura, T)
Together (The Vampire Diaries, Mary Louise/Nora, G)
The Best Valentine's Day Present (Riverdale, Betty/Veronica, G)
Collaborations (Teen Wolf, Malia/Tracy, G)
The Most Romantic (Riverdale, Betty/Veronica, G)

community: 1_million_words, challenges

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