Title: Nice Try
Fandom: The Originals
Characters: Cami O'Connell, Davina Claire
Pairing: Cami/Davina
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: Future fic, established relationship. No spoilers. Written for kinks prompt #25 'Temperature' at
femslash100. Also on
AO3. Full table
Summary: Cami tries to warm Davina up.
Davina shivered as she made her way down the hall from bathroom back to Cami’s childhood bedroom. Climbing under the covers, she whispered to her fiancée “This house is freezing.”
Cami chuckled. “Sorry about that” she said. “My parents like to save money by turning the heat down at night.”
“Then they should move someplace warm” said Davina.
“Come here, I’ll warm you up” said Cami, pulling Davina closer to her. As Davina snuggled into Cami’s neck, the blonde whispered “You know, to maximize our ability to keep each other warm, we should really be naked.”
“Nice try” said Davina.