Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang Card 1 (2 Fan Fics, 3 Picspams, 12 Sig Tags)

Jul 31, 2015 19:17

Challenge 1 at lands_of_magic is a combination bingo/big bang challenge. I've just completed my first card. Below are two fan fics (both for The Secret Circle), three pispams (one Once Upon a Time, one The Originals/The Vampire Diaries, and one for The Vampire Diaries), and 12 sigtags (three Game of Thrones, four Once Upon a Time, three True Blood, and two The Vampire Diaries).

Title: Just Thinking About Her
Fandom: The Secret Circle
Characters: Faye Chamberlain, Melissa Glaser
Pairing: Faye/Diana
Rating: G
Word count: 300
A/N: Takes place about a month after the finale. Also on AO3.
Summary: Faye finds herself thinking about Diana.

It was a hot July afternoon, about a month after Diana had left town for the summer. Faye was out shopping with Melissa when, for no apparent reason, she found herself saying “I wonder what Diana is doing right now.”

“What makes you mention Diana?” Melissa asked casually.

“No particular reason” said Faye. “I was just thinking about her, that’s all.”

Melissa stopped flipping through the rack of skirts she’d been looking at and gave her best friend a look of curiosity. “Do you think about her a lot?” she asked.

Faye rolled her eyes. “Why would you even ask that?” she said defensively, crossing her arms over her chest. “I have better things to do than sit around thinking about Diana.”

“I only asked because you’ve refused to acknowledge her absence ever since she left town and now you suddenly bring her up of the blue” said Melissa, placing a hand on one of Faye’s shoulders.

The taller girl immediately pushed the hand away. “If I’ve refused to acknowledge her absence it’s only because I haven’t thought about it until now” Faye said.

“If you say so” said Melissa, turning away from Faye to begin sorting through a pile of crop tops.

“I do” said Faye, following Melissa around the store. “Just because I mention her doesn’t mean I’ve got some obsession with her.”

Melissa bit down on her lower lip, trying to hide a smile. “And yet I recall a similar pattern occurring when a certain Armstrong left town” she said. “Don’t tell me you’ve traded in your blond bad boy for a certain dark-haired good girl.”

Faye snorted. Then she said “Not a chance.”

“Okay” said Melissa.

And if, after she got home, Faye called Diana to tell her she missed her, Melissa was none the wiser.


Title: Found Myself Missing You
Fandom: The Secret Circle
Characters: Diana Meade, Faye Chamberlain
Pairing: Faye/Diana
Rating: PG
Word count: 400
A/N: Takes place about three months after the finale. Also on AO3.
Summary: Faye pays Diana a late night visit.

Diana opened her eyes and sat up in bed. Peering around in the dark, she tried to locate the source of the noise that had woken her. After a minute, she spotted Faye standing in the middle of her room, swaying slightly. “Faye?” she asked in a whisper, not sure she believed what she was seeing.

“Hi Diana!” said Faye, not bothering to whisper.

“Shh!” said Diana, jumping up out of her bed and hurrying over to close the bedroom door Faye had left open. When it was shut, she turned back to her uninvited guest and said “What are you doing here in the middle of the night? And are you drunk?”

“I may have had a few glasses of my mother’s red wine before I came over here for courage” said Faye, slightly less loud than before. “And I’m here because you just got back into town tonight and there’s something important I have to tell you.”

“It couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” asked Diana, sitting down on her bed.

“Nope” said Faye, sitting down next to Diana. “See, while you were gone all summer something strange happened: I found myself missing you.”

“That’s great Faye” said Diana. “I missed you too.”

“No, I mean I really missed you” said Faye. “And then I began to wonder why I missed you. I mean, no offense, but you’re one of the most annoying people I know.”

Diana rolled her eyes. “You came over here in the middle of the night to tell me how annoying you find me?” she asked.

“No” said Faye. “I came because I wanted to tell you that I like you. I mean I really like you.”

The two girls sat in silence for a minute before Diana said “I’m flattered Faye.”

It was Faye’s turn to roll her eyes. “That’s all you have to say?” she asked. “I just bared my soul to you, and all you can say is you’re flattered?”

“Faye, I’m not sure how I feel” said Diana honestly. “I never really thought about girls that way before. I just need time to think this over.”

“Great!” said Faye, almost yelling. “You do that!” She turned to leave Diana’s room.

“Wait, Faye” said Diana, forgetting to whisper. The other girl turned to face her and Diana held out her hand. “You’re drunk. Give me your keys. You can share my bed tonight.”

Image Prompt

Free Space



Adaptational Badass


relationship: diana/faye, tv show: the secret circle, character: red riding hood, challenges, tv show: once upon a time, character: diana meade, character: jessica hamby, sig tags, character: caroline forbes, tv show: game of thrones, character: melisandre, fan art, community: lands_of_magic, picspams, character: hayley marshall, fan fiction, character: melissa glaser, character: regina mills, tv show: the originals, character: faye chamberlain, character: eric northman, character: nora gainesborough, character: grace (ouat), tv show: the vampire diaries, tv show: true blood, character: katherine pierce

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