Title: Help Me With My Hair
Fandom: The Originals
Characters: Rebekah Mikaelson, Tatia Petrova
Pairing: Rebekah/Tatia
Rating: G
Word count: 200
A/N: Takes place before the flashback events of "Red Door." No spoilers. Written for
drabbletag round 6 at
femslash100. Also on
Summary: Rebekah helps Tatia with her hair.
Rebekah and Tatia were curled up together in Tatia’s bed. “If we don’t get out of bed soon, someone is bound to come looking for us” said Tatia. She sat up in bed and felt her hair. It was knotted and in desperate need of rebraiding. “Come on” she said to Rebekah “you can help me with my hair.”
Rebekah sighed then picked up the brush on Tatia’s dresser. She began the slow process of untying each of Tatia’s braids. Then she began to brush Tatia’s dark locks. “I take it you want the usual style” she said when Tatia’s hair was knot-free. Tatia almost always wore her hair the same way.
“Of course” said Tatia with a smile. It was a style she chose specifically because it was intricate enough that it required the help of another individual to do.
Rebekah began to rebraid Tatia’s hair, enjoying the feeling of the brunette’s locks between her fingers. After completing each braid, she placed a kiss on the back of Tatia’s neck.
When Rebekah was finished, Tatia turned around and placed a kiss on Rebekah’s lips. “You’re the best girlfriend ever, you know that?”
Rebekah smiled. “It’s still nice to hear.”