.x. survey thing i stole from Brookie.x.

Mar 09, 2004 18:03

[name] Megan Zielinski
[do you like it] i liked my first name till i found out everybody at my fucking school had it
[nicknames] Meggy
[crush] Matt the guy that i work with, JOEL!!!!!!!!! *drools*
[birthday] 11/13/1987
[birthplace] Canton, ohio
[height] 5'2
[hair color] brown with faded dark blonde highlights
[eye color] brown
[all i need is] my music, my computer, a paper and pin to write songs on, my posters
[if you could see someone right now] ide like to see allot of people..* sighs*
[righty/lefty] Lefty
[heritage] polish..
[weakness] i let all my feelings out even if there not the right time to do so..
[fears] dying, the dark
[goal you'd like to achieve] be in a band travel the US
[your thoughts first waking up] is it saturday yet??
[best physical feature] my eyes
[bedtime] when i get tired
[most missed memory] living in Michigan and getting into a whole bunch of bullshit ( oh boy brookie that was the shit!)
[website] uh... my journals..


[food] anything that tastes like it should... WHOA that didnt sound right...
[drink] mountain dew
[song] as of right now??? well currently its Lovers and liars by Matchbook Romance, punk rock show -mxpx, and pop song from Bleed the dream
[band] read my info..i dont feel like typing them all
[type of music] punk/pop, old school punk, some emo
[electronic device] Computer & phone
[instant messaging service] aim.
[place to go] my room when i want to think
[game] the old school nintendo ... super mario brothers!!!!! haha i love the old nintendo
[video game console] Super Nintendo!
[color] /pink/black
[book] um..*thinks*.. idk..
[sport] skateboarding... and moshing.. yes they need to consider moshing a sport...
[country] i live on a island in a box...
[state] wisconsin..* watches a weed blow by *..
[place to go on a vacation] um..Michigan, Tenneesee
[favorite movie] Breakfest club, any adam sandler movies, sixteen candles
[thing to do] write, my computer, listen to music
[candy] twix bars!!!!
[holiday] holloween and like alot!
[amusement park] Cerdar Point
[brands] MADE, vans, hurley,
[ice cream] cookie dough .
[shoe brand] Converse/Vans.
[saying] Nurf, God damnit,fuck you asshole,go suck some balls,Rad,
[tv show] simpsons--osbournes i guess-ahh i dont really [animal] i duno cat, dog, REPTILES
[vegetable] corn
[cartoon] invador zim, ren and stimpy, bevis and butthead,rockos modern life,rugrats, powerpuffgirls,lilo and stitch the series,
[school subject] foods
[toy] hmmmm if only Joel was a toy...* thinks thoughts*

.:| D0 Y0U |:.

[have a gf/bf] no... guys at my school are fucking gay..
[drive] yeah
[have a car] no
[have siblings] nope
[color my hair] yeah .
[have contacts/glasses] i have glasses
[speak more than one language] no but i can say stupid bitch in chaldean
[sing in the shower] all the time !!!!
[dance around the house] only when GC is on tv
[trust people] people that i know that i trust.
[want to go to college] do i want to go to college? NO will i ever go to college?? NO..
[want to get married] hey man im getting married to Joel .. its gonna work i tell you
[want to have kids] ..ew..stretch marks..ew..crying poop machine..
[want to be president] pfft..fuck the society..
[want to be famous] kinda.. i just dont want to be all famous and shit and be in every magazine and be on mtv and shit..
[think you could live without a computer] i think i would die..
[like watching sunrises or sunsets] sunsets.. wow thats romantic..
[take a shower everyday] yeah.. i hate feeling dirty..
[like school] im dead at school.. what you hear is me sleep talking and walking.
[believe in yourself] in being in a band .. yes.. and being a singer in a band.. yes..
[get motion sickness] Sometimes.
[like thunderstorms] yes.. thats romantic also
[play an instrument] electric guitar, amanda is teaching me shit
[get along with your parents] if i did.. ide be some fucked up catholic girl still listening to fucking Britney spears..
[wear a watch] i have a strawberry shortcake and hellokitty watch but i dont wear it
[believe in magic] as in the shit people do on tv? No..
[trust others way too easily] i did and they turned their backs so i dont turst any one anymore... well not alot of peopl at least
.:| THiS 0R THAT |:.
[pepsi/coke] mountain dew
[dog/cat] Cats.. and CASH DOG!!!
[beach/pool] beach
[sunrise/sunset] Sunset.
[gum/mints] Gum.
[chicken/fish] ew..
[math/english] english
[black/white] Black.
[back or front of class] dont matter as long as i get to sleep.
[flowers/candy] flowers die, candy makes you fat.
[tall/short] middleish
[dvd/vhs] dvd
[phone/IM] both.
[aim/msn/yahoo] aim
[cds/mp3] both
[red/blue] red
[cursive/print] print
[coffee/hot chocolate] hotchocolate tastes like shitty water.. coffee makes me go fucking nuts..
[adidas/nike] adidas
[mcdonalds/burger king] ew wtf is up with all these Meat sellers!?
[lipton ice tea/nestea] none
[chocolate/vanilla] i like a lil bit of each.. im a mixed wigga in tha hizza fo shizza mah nizza!!!
[capuccino/coffee] uh..both?
[physical/emotional pain hurts the most] emotional

.:| AM i |:.
[easy to get along with] if you piss me off, i will tell you, if you annoy me, i will tellyou, if i just dont like you, i will tell you. Besides that you can get allong with me!
[funny] sure why not?
[smart] pfft im still waiting for that shit to happen
[picky] haha yeah..
[tall or short] short..
[trustworthy] yea
[dependable] yeah i guess
[online often] all the time
[understanding] depends on what it is.. if its something stupid ill just look at you like your nuts but most of the time i am
[open-minded] yeah i hate closed minded people it pisses me off
[insecure] yes
[interesting] haha yeah im pretty intresting i guess..
[easily amused] me ??? nooo...OOO lookie at my walls how white they are..ooooo
[random] me!? nooo..THE BRITISH IS COMING!!!!
[hungry] all the time..
[friendly] uh..i guess..
[moody] well yeah..
[childish] lets see im 16 really 4 so yknow..
[independent] yeah i feel like im the only me at my school.. which is.. ok i guess..
[healthy] pfft .. no..
[emotionally stable] I guess.
[shy] pfft.. not as much as i used to be.. but im still kinda am
[difficult] idk..
[bored easily] yes
[obsessed] with Joel Yes..you could say that..
[religious] Not really.
[photogenic] not at all.
[camera-shy] yeah i hate pictures..
[a morning person] fuck no..

.: | LAST |:.
[movie rented] hell... uh.. freaky friday?
[movie saw] 50 first dates
[person you called] mom
[person that called you] cheri ann, Cassie
[person thought about] Joel... everday,every minute.. ah.. god.. im fucking obsessed.. *grins*
[food i ate] shrimp with noodles and applesauce.. i feel like gagging up the shrimp
[talked to] well kinda yelled at Mo coz shes all bitching at me for why i quit track
[hugged] uh.. hm..idk..i cant remember
[person you iMed] Brookie
who iMed you] brookie
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