heyhey! :o]
not much going on. sunday night was cool, I went over to mel's graduation party. that was pretty sweet. good food, good times with old friends and what not. I met some cool people but I missed my boyfriend so much. I'm really worried about him ='[ he'z sick but he gets these horrible migraines and he can't get rid of them.. I feel so bad for him because I wanna help him but I can't. He went to get some CAT test on them but he insists its just the weather, which hes prolly right but still he can't even move when he has them, they are so horrible. anyway'z so brian called me for awhile so I told him to come over while we were playing softball and jumping on the trampoline with the youngins @ the graduation bash, haha. so we played games and stuff which was pretty sweet, than monday rach called and game over and we played nintendo and what not; and I didn't hear from perry <3 like all day and night so I was all worried buh it was okay.. I played some tennis with melissa, rach and brian and than we went over to rach + mel'z to talk and stuff and than I was tired and ar0und 1030 perry <3 called, yay :) so I was happy...and tomorrows my birthday!!!!! perry'z trying to come over either tomorrow or friday for it, so I hope he does cuz I really just wanna see him <3 god I love that boy! well it's bed time soon, and I'm talkin to MoNi so I'm outtie...love ya'll
How to make a xjackyx
1 part anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
3 parts instinct
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of lustfulness and enjoy!
Personality cocktailFrom