May 11, 2005 09:51
Well today is Wednesday…Jeff comes home today. So today is going to be really, really good, or really, really bad! The last few months have been hell because Jeff has been up my ass about everything, and anything that he can find to be up my ass about.
It all began when I got that warning for speeding. My Mom was just like you can’t go to the cast party. That’s your punishment which was fine. I protested. We fought. Then things were good again with my Mom and I. That’s the way it goes we could be mad at one another the night before, then we would be cool the next day. Back to what I was saying before…well the night I got the ticket I had to go back to the school to do the 42nd street show so when I came home my Mom was drunk because she and Jeff had gone out with my aunt Cathy for drinks. No big. My Mom only drinks every so often. Well back to my point…after my Mom had already told me what my punishment was Jeff decides to give me an ultimatum “you have two choices you can either go with your mothers punishment, and next time something happens to your car I won’t fix it, or you can take mine, and you wont drive your car for a week. Well we all know that I went with my Moms punishment.
So after things started to mellow out a little but not by much its like Jeff hates me now, and I don’t know why. Things had been tense between us before the warning, and now they are even worse. Then to add to it all Jeff’s Dad got into a bad bike accident and has been in the hospital for like a month almost I think so Jeff had to race up to New York leaving me and my mother high and dry for a while, and then he came back for a little bit and then he has been going up to New York for the past two weekend I think. So that adds to the tension and he just seems to be picking at every little thing he can find to take his mind off his Dad, and I seem to be the prim target which isn’t fair. I have been trying really hard to pull my own wait around here and I still get shit nothing is ever good enough for him. Hints my title “ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE” the only reason I say maybe after is because he could come back and things could work themselves out, however if they don’t my Mom said that she might leave him and then yet again I’m moving this shit never seems to work for me I always move like every two years or so. Who knows maybe I can go back to Taunton I like it there as twisted as that sounds. I feel at home in Taunton. I like the city.
So to add to things my car breaks I need a new fuel pump which cost money. Jeff also said he would fix it because he knows if I got to a garage my Mom would foot the bill for me till I could pay her. However he is like “you can’t drive it till you can pay for it” however he doesn’t seem to get the fact that I really can’t get the money with out a car to get to my Job. You got to work to make money. So my Mom was like “do you owe me money” he was like “yeah” then my Mom was like “and I trust you to pay me back” he was like “yeah” then my Mom is like “he is my son and I trust him to pay me back”
God the son of a bitch needs to learn to stay out of shit he isn’t part of and that doesn’t effect him. He likes to be in control so when we try to do things on our own he is pissed either way. So we called Fred and then he herd me say auto zone and he went off “blah blah blah there parts are shit” then at the end he was like “fine do what the fuck you want” and he hung up on my MOM.
Also he has been dragging me into the conversation to pick on me pushing my Moms buttons cuz he know that’s a button pusher. He can’t yell at her directly cause he knows there would be hell to pay but if she yells first he can yell and hang up.
Also he is pissed because he is wrong and Moms on my side personally I’m just sick of his shit. FUCK HIM I’m DONE TRYING TO MAKE HIM HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!BASTARD
Also I'm not mad at him and I'm not fighting with him and i have no grudge against him he is the one being a real DIck head. FUCKING BITCH