Really, what else is new?
I should go back to blogging. It helps get rid of the shitty feeling of existing. But not now, because I am dead tired, my world is spinning, and my head feels like its being pounded on by a mallet. However, I will make a list of shit I should be doing more of, because I should be doing more of them.
Things I need to do more:
- Yoga. Jesus Christ, yoga needs to be at the top of this list. I lack exercise and I'm so stressed out. This will be good for me.
- Write. Lord knows I seriously need to write more. It's one of the many things I've been ignoring.
- Sleep. They say the eyes are the nipples of the face. WELL NOW I HAVE BOOBS TO GO ALONG WITH THOSE NIPPLES HEEEYY
- Not procrastinate. WELL. This will be a challenge.
- Generally get my shit together.