Its been a while.

Apr 15, 2003 15:25

Hey. You all know I'm pretty bad at updating. You should definately be used to it by now. But every once in a while I may surprise you w/ a long entry here and there. This just might be one of them. ;)

Let's see...what have I been doin lately. Every morning I have rehearsals from 8am-12:30pm. Starting next week though the rehearsals go from 7am-2pm w/ a 30 min lunch break. They're tough man. But I'm definately looking forward to touring this summer. In the beginning of May I tour the UK and then the beg of JUne is the Justified/Stripped US Tour w/ the lovely, the talented: Miss Christina Aguilera. ;) I've seen a little bit of her rehearsals and its hot y'all. You're gonna be in for quite the show. :)

Thursday the 24th I'm thinking about going to Memphis for the weekend. It'll be the weekend before I leave for the UK and I just haven't got to spend any downtime w/ my family. Britney, you're welcome to come w/ me if you can take a break from the studio and what not. Everyone misses you and wants to see you. If you're too busy I can totally understand that. Trace, you wanna come down w/ me too? It'll be just like old times, heh. :)Man, now I'm craving one of Shelby Forest's hamburgers. Mmm.

As most of you know...some shit went down between Britney and I. I'm pretty sure it's all cleared up now. I'm not going to go into the details or anything like that but - there were just some misconceptions of my intentions on her part...and some misconceptions of actions on my part. But, there was no cheating involved. No one cheated on anybody here. For all of you who think we're not right for e/ other or that I'm not good enough for her or just want us apart so you can hook up w/ her or me...well let me just fill you in on something. We LOVE each other. The love is so deep it can withstand anything. We have proof of that too. And no, I'm not "in love" w/ any other girls nor have I told any that I'm in love w/ them...b/c I'm not. So stop all the bullshit rumors. This girl is my world. If I lost her again...I'd want to die. *shrugs* Simple as that.

WELL! On that positive note. *laughs* This wasn't too long but hey, it was long for me. It's a really nice day outside so I'm gonna lay out by my pool. Later y'all.
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