Feb 19, 2005 17:00
wow lets just say it was a very sad and depressing day yesterday. and today. i have never seen our school that quiet. it was pretty much silent everywhere all day and no one was in class. a bunch of ppl left early and some ppl took advantage of it and that really pisses me off. if anyone used the auditorim to get out of class or left early for no reason at all then you should and i hope you are feeling really guilty right now cuz that was stupid. and i hope everyone has learned a very valuable lesson from this. that if you have a problem then talk to somebody NE body don't let it get bottled up inside you. pleez express your feelings to someone. and i hope all of my friends know that if they ever need to talk i am here or if you need a shoulder to cry on i am here. you can see that wat happend made a huge impact on everybody in the school. and in that note i leave you for now as i could write more but have said pretty much what i have wanted to say.
Angie Hock
Much love