Tagged by
x_drear_x First: Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Just 6? Haa, that's easy.
1- I'm a bit of a masochist.
2- I'm totally vegan.
3-I have a weird natural sleep pattern and I hate mornings. In a perfect world i'd never be up before midday, but I don't really need sleep a lot.
4- I can't ride a bicycle.
5- I talk with myself sometimes. I even *argue* with myself ^^U I play both sides of a conversation I'm planning to have with someone trying to guess what the other will say.
6- I'm shy. Really shy. But I like to dress showy, and then if people's looking at me, i feel unconfortable....
Post the explanation of where your username(s) came from.Then tag TEN users whose explanations you'd like to hear. If you are tagged, then post the explanation to your page.
I've used a ton of nicknames, but about the three I use these days:
1- xizarx ----> izar. I used "izar beltza" on some boards. It means "black star" (i know it's lameeee). Izar means "star"
2- ninelives-----> i don't think this one needs any explanation. I like cats XD It's strange, in Spain we say cats have seven lives, not nine.
3- spoiled-kitten -----> my cat! she's the spoiled-kitten XDDDD in fact, I don't have any cat, the cat ownes me, and I'm basically the girl who cleans her mess XD
That's all. I'm not tagging anyone! LOL