DMC5 and fanart (+ random)

Sep 15, 2010 17:36

Has it ever happened to you that you have an idea, even an actual sketch for a drawing, but you're being lazy about it and having over 9,000 projetcs and you don't finish it, and then you find something VERY similar and you feel like crap for not finishing it earlier when nobody would say it's a stolen idea?

Well, this happened to me today.

I was reading some stuff about the new Castlevania game, when I found some news about the new DMC game. It seems it's gonna be about young Dante, and let me say that I think it looks great even if some people are crying about not having white hair and looking "gay" (I think the white hair looks more "gay" (duh) than black hair, but I like gay, so whatever, I like both). I must admit I'm not as picky with keeping the canon intact for videogames as I am for other stuff.
I'll miss the gothic look, though, since it seems it's going to be 100% modern this time.

image Click to view

So far so good.

But it happens that I had this idea. You remember this old fanart made by a Japanese artists I always forget her name, right?

I've always loved the concept, but they lack any emotion, the facial expressions are meh and, of course, I'd like it better if it was a bit more realistic. I doubt that, if Mello (and Matt, but specially Mello) git arrested he'd be okay with it. He'd fight with teeth and nails, since we know he would rather blow himself up than being arrested, and I think it's be bloody and raw.

And I was planning on drawing a remake of that drawing. I even had the sketch lying on my HD since 2 months ago, as so many other things... waiting for me to finish it some day. But I've been bussy trying to learn Flash animation and such. Anyway, today I found this promo image for the new DMC game:

Well, it's what I can only dream of doing, since it's 100x better than anything I can draw, but whatever. Same concept, same expression, blood, bruises, everything!!

Damn. Damn. Damndamndamn.
I don't know now  if I should still draw mine or not.

I still think I may try to draw some DMC fanart some time.... it's the kind of badass  stuff I love to draw anyway.


More things:

This summer I was traveling through Europe with Saya, A-pseudonym and MRS-Jeevas, it's been 3 weeks since I returned, and I haven't said a word. Sorry. It's just that I'm  still missing some photos. And that I'm lazy and can't write such a long review to save my life. But I thought you'd like to know that I was in Barcelona, Stockolm, Liverpool, a lot of towns in Wales, and London. Oh and we were in:

visiting the cathedral and getting drench to the bone XD I am the one with black hair looking gangsta XD. The lucky one with the hoodie is A-Pseudonym, the one freezing to death is Saya, and MRS-Jeevas was taking the photo.

In Candem Market, we found a shop  where they sold anime-related shirts, and both MRS-Jeevas and Saya bought this one:

There was even one with this fanart printed XD:

but it was too much even for me!!

Well, I doubt I'll never write about the  3 weeks long trip, but I thought that was amusing.

And since I'm already typing, I'll share here two of my latest pics:


And that's it. Long entry is long. Sorry!

ETA: I don't find this amusing.  It's a paysaite with NSFW Death Note fanart. WTH?
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