Happy Happy Joy Joy

Apr 13, 2010 22:03


Tami, from Wilhelmina, sent me this as a surprise and I got it in the mail today <3<3<3 She added a little note and said it was for the calendar I sent to her, but the calendar was a payback for another nice thing she did to me before. Should I do something back for her now? gjhgjskhgahajgs she's so kind ;__;

The drawing style and the overall quality of the doujin has evolved a lot. It's a real pleasure to look at the drawings even if I can't understand the text *sweatdrop*

And while I was taking that photo with my phone camera, one of the cats jumped on the bench and started making noises. Suddenly, she started puking and I was lucky I was fast enough to save the doujin from it! O.O

yay, matt, mello, mxm, awesome

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