This is a list of all of the Clow Cards (including those from the anime). Cards with bold names are directly stated to be under Yue's jurisdiction. Cards with italicized names are under cards already affiliated with Yue. Cards with underlined names are never stayed to be swayed one way or the other, but are likely under Yue's jurisdiction despite this.
The Arrow -
The Big -
The Bubbles -
The Change -
The Cloud -
The Create -
The Dark -
The Dash -
The Dream -
The Earthy -
The Erase -
The Fight -
The Firey -
The Float -
The Flower -
The Fly -
The Freeze -
The Glow -
The Hope -
The Illusion -
The Jump -
The Libra -
The Light -
The Little -
The Lock -
The Loop -
The Maze -
The Mirror -
The Mist -
The Move -
The Nothing -
The Power -
The Rain -
The Return -
The Sand -
The Shadow -
The Shield -
The Shot -
The Silent -
The Sleep -
The Snow -
The Song -
The Storm -
The Sweet -
The Sword -
The Through -
The Thunder -
The Time -
The Twin -
The Voice -
The Watery -
The Wave -
The Windy - In fortune telling, Windy represents communication and information.
The Wood -