So I got the job.

Aug 22, 2004 04:54

Well, I now officially work for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.  Which is a long name to have to spew out every time I knock on someone's door for polling and whatnot.  Basically, I wander around Savannah six days a week registering voters and asking people to vote for "Democrat John Barrow in the upcoming Congressional election."

Which is actually a pretty good deal, considering I get paid to run around telling people to vote Democrat, which I would do anyway.

I knock on this one guys door the other day.  I didn't even get to the John Barrow or the other guy part.  He ejaculated a vivacious "fuck Bush,"  and as I agree, we had a good laugh.  Some people are nice.  I've only run into two snotty Republicans.  They were mean to me.

But I guess that's okay.  The joys of being right.  I can just feel superior all day long.

Speaking of, I made the mistake of watching some hatemonger on C-SPAN.  You'd think people could find somebody other than gay people to hate.  Like maybe child molesters, or people who are really rich, say they love a benevolent god, and yet spend all their time being homophobic instead of helping the one million children who will starve to death in the next month.

We really do have more important things to deal with people.  Get a fucking clue. 
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