Dec 10, 2006 00:21
I can look at you now and know I never loved you.I knew I never would. I'm strong enough to walk away. I beileve in promises You broke my trust. You were always a priority and I was only an opition, a warm body beside you. You only thought about me when we were in the same room. You still make nervous but it's diffrent, now you make me anxious. My heart feels sick. It doesnt beat faster when you touch me. I feel dread knowing that whatevers about to start is goig to be all about you. hows it feel to know I faked it? Almost everytime. You talked pretty big for such a uselss fuck. You were an experiance, one of the better ones I've had but with less of an impact. I cared don't get me wrong. I'll always wonder what you're doing. If your happy, If your healthy but i wont waste another minute stressing over you. Do you not realize who I am? Do you not get that I'm young and beautiful? What are you trying to make up for? That was completely retorical.I would like to say I learned from this but, arn't you suppose to learn from your mistakes?