Rest in Peace Uncle Jack

May 08, 2005 16:42

I found out around noon today that my uncle died last night around 11:50. My cousin called me and wanted me to come over, so obviously I went. It didn't really hit me until I got there. Everyone was just blank faced. It was like they were all hurt to the point where they couldn't show emotion. I told everyone how sorry I was...I wish I could have seen him before he passed away. I was talking to my cousin 1 on 1 in his room. He started telling me about last night. He said that before he left for his prom...he went over to his dads bed. He said that he could tell he wasn't going to last much longer. He couldn't verbally respond...but he could listen. He told him "I love you dad.." and he said "I told kelly (his stepmom) to call me if things get bad...I promise I will be right here by you to the end" And of course...about an hour into his prom...he gets the call that his dad isn't going to make it through the night. He went home to his dad laying in bed....struggling even to take the smallest breath of air. He said that he got down beside his dad. He said that he was taking these huge gasping breaths where he would breath in...and not breath out for a few seconds. He said you thought he was gonna die with each breath...but he held on. He said his dad didn't want to die..and he was trying to hold on. He then told me that he said "Dad...It's ok. Let go." and on his next gasp for breath...he didn't breath back out. His eyes rolled back and he was gone. Kyle said that he shut his fathers eyelids for him. He waited for the people to take him away...and he followed them out to the ambulance. He saw his dad off to work every day. He told me that it was like seeing him off to work for the last time. I could feel that I was about to just lose it and start crying. I held it hurt to hold it back. It physically hurt. I couldn't break down there tho. I held myself together, until I got in the car and left. I was telling my mom what Kyle had said to me..about describing last night...or at least I tried to tell her. The second I started talking I broke down. I couldn't talk. All I could do was cry. I haven't stopped crying since we left. It's not fair...he was such a good person. Before I left my cousins house he told me to make sure that my family and I go once a year for a checkup. He said that he wouldn't let anyone else in his family get lost to cancer. I gave him a hug and I told him that I would make sure. I can't even really see what I'm typing right now.....too much water in my eyes. I'm gonna go.
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