inch by inch

Jul 05, 2015 08:32

Prompt: #26
Title: Inch By Inch
Pairing: Suho/Lay
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slice of life, domesticity.
Length: 3678 words
Summary: Joonmyun doesn't think he's gained that much weight until a coworker makes a comment about his suit being "too small these days."
Warnings: Concerns of fatphobia, body worship, rimming.
Author’s note: joonmyeon’s name in chinese has a character (绵/mián) which can mean “soft.” i like to think yixing would call a chubby joonmyeon this as a nickname even more because of it. :-) i loved this prompt so so so much, omg. i hope i did it justice, prompter!! thanks to nutella abs and tarosexual for listening to me bubble about this for a while and for beta-ing.

written for xingforjun. click HERE to go read it there.

suho, suho/lay, lay, sulay, ficfest, xingforjun

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