Oct 02, 2005 07:47
hey if you havent got thw chance to see the movie crash then you should go right now and get that sh!t
cus its really good...it makes you think twice about judging people because they are black, white, yellow, brown, purple, green or whatever.
so yeah i spent sunday with my pumpkin, we had pancakes this morning. she makes the best ones ever. no joke. and i made scambie eggies, they were alright. so it looks like im going to stay here again tonight so that means i have to wake up at 6am to leave at 7am to get to work by 9am...its a mission but its all worth it in the end. i get to spend the night with my love and all is well in my world once again. gosh i lover her so much. we are going to vons in a bit to get something for dinn dinn. shes so cute. you should see her now, blow drying her hair, getting ready to go...its times like these where i wish i were rich so we can live in a house together, have a car and lots of other little doggies and someday kids, lol.
just a thought...