so sit down and listen to me....i got someting to say....

Dec 21, 2003 11:34

so last night i went to the fashion valley mall with juan and itza to go buy some christmas stuff for my pumpkin(cory). it was so crazy over there. so many people and so many cell phones and so many diffrent languages...there were Mls everywhere and i was getting sick and tired of like every ML with a cell phone (everyone that was there) talking all lound ans shit!

and then this one girl that juan talkes to was ther at the mall and juan totally ignored her and she was all pissed. and then the glaze came from itza. i think it was a mix of two diffrent things, 1) juan "wasnt" paying any attention to her and 2) that girl said "by juaaaaan" when she left...yeah thats it. so all on the way back home there was total silence and i was like "baaaalllllrrrriiiiiggggghhhhht"

:::glaze glaze glaze:::

so now im over here at corys house and im going to some christmas lunch in old town. i hope the food is good cos im sorta hungry.

:the blind stairs of a million paris of eyes looking hard but wount realize that the will never see the P:
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