so, last weekend my tooth was hurting a lot, so i called my dentist on monday. and got an appointment for tuedsday morning. so i go in, find out that my tooth rejected my filling and that i have an infection, so he drills in it, files out my nerves, selas it temporararly and sends me on my merry way with antibiotics and pain killers.
two days go by, it swells to a size bigger than i could imagine my face getting, and continues to hurt. and i spend the whole week feeling like/actually looking like one or a combination of
a cabbage patch kid
adam actually got a picture of it. which i now regret.
i end up missing a bunch of stampede week stuff. and work.
i go back in on friday and he figures out the antibioctics arn't doing anything, gives me a different kind, and sends me away again.
i had to go to school to figure out some financial aid stuff looking like i had down syndrome. i kept my sunglasses on the whole time, but i don't know if that helped or hindered.
but now i look pretty normal. and by tomorrow i should be fine. but i still have to have a root canal soon. omgwtf. what perfect timing.
but justin has been amazing. being mr. cute nurse boy. making sure i eat, reading to me, getting me ora-gel at 1am. he really is perfect. and this is proof that i could not live alone.
anyways, school starts tomorrow and i am more exceited than i have ever been and also more terrified than i have ever been. so. we'll see how that works out.