late night soapbox derby

Jun 19, 2010 04:10

I'm so sick of my uber Christian relatives on Facebook. I can't log on without seeing their radical Christian stuff. I'm seriously considering deleting them. Their "in-your-face" behavior just bugs the crap out of me. Granted, my aunt hasn't sent me a message on here reprimanding me for my language in a long time. Thank God.

You know, I'm a Christian. I believe in and love Jesus Christ, but I can't stand it when Christians play the victim card, and when Christians think that every little thing pertains to Christianity. For example, my cousin saw the movie "The Book of Eli." (It's awesome, btw. I saw it in the theatre. If you haven't seen it, watch it.) In the movie, Denzel's carrying a Bible around and this bad guy wants it. At the end, Dumbledore puts the Bible on a bookshelf beside the Qur'an and the Torah. The Torah is part of the Bible, but it's the Jews holy book. My cousin is all talking about how the movie praises Christianity and God and stuff, and I just don't see it. He says that it's showing how the word of God is eternal. There's no way you can tell me it's saying that the word of God is eternal when he puts the word of God beside the freakin' Muslim's holy book. Is the word of Allah and Muhammad eternal too then? Of course my cousin would say "NO!" - And what about the Jews' Torah? - "NO! Because they don't believe that Jesus Christ is the savior!"


Another thing they've done to piss me off is saying how Obama canceled the National Day of Prayer... and "as an American Christian, I am offended." ( LoL Come on, you know you saw that shit on Facebook or got it in an email FWD)

Oh please. You're saying that Christianity is the only religion that prays? If the National Day of Prayer was in fact, canceled (too bad it wasn't), then EVERY religion would be screwed. But who's the government to tell me "TODAY IS THE DAY YOU PRAY!" (Separation of Church & State?!) If you're sooo religious to be offended by the cancellation, then you're probably religious enough to pray more than one damn day a year. Actually, my relatives weren't the only ones to post about this. I had a few friends that posted that crap, and I posted the Snopes link right back at them to shut them up.

Dumbasses. Although, I will say, that the message on Snopes says to repost that you agree, no matter what religion you are... but yet as an AMERICAN CHRISTIAN you're offended. *lesigh*

It really bugs me that they think that National Day of Prayer is just for Christians. Sense of entitlement much?

They want you to cater to Christianity, because it's "freedom," but yet if you honor FREEDOM and cater to all religions, you're persecuting the Christians. But it's a-ok to persecute everyone else.

I don't want to be associated with these types of Christians. I think that their behavior gives Christianity a bad rep.

Jesus Christ only asked two things of us. #1: to love each other, and #2: to believe in Him. And I try my very best to do both of those things everyday.

And for the record, #2 is WAAAAAY easier to do than #1.
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