It kinda just hit me that I only have technically a few weeks to raise
my grades. My final grades.. They are in the dumps right now. I'm
curious if they purposely put the hard units at the end of the school year. School is definately not
Chloe's cup of tea.
But I'm drawing again, it makes me really happy. I haven't sat down in
so long and just drawn for hours at a time. I would like to take an art
class this summer and learn some techniques on drawing features and
people because I'm losing my touch big time.
There's what I've been working on today. Not the best, as you can see I can't draw people very well. But I think maybe I'm progressing. I just let my fingers flow and scribbled out some artwork. I need some of those av glasses.
I wanna take photography in highschool, or some kind of writing class, or art. Bah I can't decide.
I'm tired, so night lovers