Today was great. This lady at Subway wrote Happy Birthday on my food sack and my dad told me I was the daughters he's always wanted, I felt pretty good. Thank you everybody, and I bet your dying to know, yes my huge cookie was awesomely tastey. The cards, drawings, stuffed animals and everything was great. The gift I liked best was from Neal though, by far. The calculator covering. Awesome gift man. Tomorrow should be good too, it's Junk Day/Night so it's going to be great automatically. That's one of my favorite days, even if it sounds lame. Anyone wanna go? I'd enjoy it lots and love you forever!!! Just call me or something and we'll make plans. The debate tomorrow should be cool too, I can't wait to yell at Laura Olsen and Mindy Rooney. I have a lot of rebuttels, lots of opinions on this, and I can use my big word attack. Wish me luck! I am out. Later