100 qUeStIoNz bOuT mE!

Sep 09, 2005 20:45

1. Second grade teacher's name: mrs.vicino
2. what elementary school did you go to: meadowbrook
3. Last word you said: call my celL
4. Last song you sang: dont cha (it waz playin on z100)
5. Last person you hugged: my sis cuz she wrote bout me as her hero 4 skoOol
6. Last thing you laughed at: umMm i laugh at a lot of thingz soOo idr!
7. What's in your CD player: umMm i have a 5 disc changer..soOo idr whut i put in it last

9. What socks are you wearing: not wearin socks
10. What's under your bed: clothes..cuz theres a draw under my bed!
11. Current status: SINGLE..bUt mY hEaRt Iz TaKeN!!! hEhEhE...
12. Current taste: uMm nUttin

13. Current hair style: uMm my hairz a mess cuz itz wet!
14. Current clothes: yankee tshirt nd pantz
15. Current Job: n0ne

16. Current longing: a lottt of things

17. Current desktop picture:uMm my comp l0Tz of lil stuff..wit a sayin..basement comp..mR.HoLlYwOoD nD hIs HaWt bRoZ!
18. Current worry: sko0ol!
19. Current hate: uMmMm...sUm pErSoN..
20. Story behind your screenname: wElL iM iTaLiAn nd my bday!
21. Current favorite article of clothing: uMm i luv all clothes!
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: hair/muscles/smile/eyes/bod/height/nd his hawt face
23. Last CD that you bought: umMm dnt rememba...
24. Favorite place to be: mall or newhea wit my friendz cuz dey rox!<33
25. Least favorite place: school...anywhea borin..aKa sko0ol
26. Time you wake up in the morning: dependz whut day it iz
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: guitar..still didnt learn!
29. Current favorite word/saying: cheaa
30. Favorite book: uMm n0ne
31. Favorite Movie:umMm therez a lot!
32. Favorite Song:l0tz of stuff...dirty lil secret-the aar!!! just the girl-click5 b my escape-relient k

34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my grandpaaz

35. Favorite day: friday or saturday!..mOnDaY nItEz!! hehe
36. Where do you want to go: ITALIA
37. What is your career going to be: sumthin wit fashion
39. What kind of car will you have: hawt sportz car
40. favorite color: pink
41. Eye Color: brown
42. Hair Color: brown
43. Righty or Lefty: righty
45. Zodiac Sign: leo
46. Innie or Outtie: innie

47. Your heritage: 100% ITALIANO!
48. The shoes you wore today: wHiTe FlIp Fl0pZ

49. Your hair: l0ng br0wn, nd bl0nde
50. Your weakness: idk...
51. Your fears: death
52. Your most recent secret?: hmMm...
54. Your thoughts first waking up:dnt wanna get up now...need more sleep...how bout skippin sko0ol

55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: go c #22...
56. Your bedtime: wheneva i fall asleep

57. Your most missed companion: idk
58. Your perfect pizza: ne..im italian so0o i luv pizza! l0lz.. but luv thin crust!
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: SwEet n ChewYy
60. Single or group dates: dEpEnDz..
61. Dogs or Cats: cAtZ
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: i LiKe SNAPPLE! but i drink both of those 2

63. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
64. Cappuccino or coffee?: both..nd frapuccinoz!

65. Smoke: NoOo smokin iz gRoSs..nD i wiLl nEvA dO iT!
66. Curse: HeLl YeAa

67. Sing: yup
68. Take a shower everyday: uMm YeA!
69. Have a crush: yEaAa
71. Think you've been in love: yUp
72. Want to go to college: yEa
73. Want more than what you got: mAyB
74. Want to get married: dEfF
75. Type with your fingers on the right keys: suRe
76. Think you're attractive: y not?

77. Think you're a health freak: sUmTiMez
78. Get along with your parents: m0st 0f da tiMe
79. Play an instrument: n0pe

IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. drink: yEa
81. Smoke: hElL nOo sMoKiN iZ fUkIn gR0sS!!!!
82. Done a drug: eWw nOo DaTz fUkIn R0sS toOo!!!
83. Made Out: uMm..
84. Go on a date: uMm...

85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: n0pe
86. Eaten sushi: umMm no0o i dnt eat RAW fish
87. Been dumped: s0rta..
88. Made homemade cookies: yEaAa

89. Been in love: yUp

90. Gone skinny dipping: dAt wUlD b A NOoOo

91. Dyed your hair: YeAa
92. Stolen anything: dnt think so0o..almost stole a grlz b/f!!! hehe

93. Had too much to drink: n0pe
94. Been caught cheating: n0pe
95. Been called a tease: mayb not 2 my face!
96. Gotten beaten up: n0pe

97. Changed who you were to fit in: no0o0o i dnt have 2 b ne1 for ne1 but myself!
98. Cried at something beautiful: yeAa
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need?: possibly
100. Cried when someone died: uMm yEaAa..wh0 wuldnt?
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