Nov 29, 2004 23:11
My trip to Utah consists of the following:
*Seeing all my cousins who are my age & there 2yr old kids...(plural) not to mention my sister and I are the only ones to make it past our 16th birthday without gettin pregnate
*Having family members try to convince me to convert and become mormon. haha
*Went Skiing & almost got killed by a snowboarded hauling ass down the mountain
*Got sick & went to the emergency room...twice
*Basically froze my butt off everyday
*Seeing a large # of hxc kids..which was suprising
*Going to fast food resturaunt and having all white ppl work there
Reasons why I want to go home NOW:
*The only exciting thing to do here is build a snow man and babysit all your cousins & go to church
*I miss seeing palm trees
*I need to call my friends & not have it be charged as long distance
*I feel helpless here w/out a car