Your Political Profile
Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
How Liberal / Conservative Are You? So Ashley comes back tomorrow... YEA!!!! Too bad we still won't see eachother until monday and then we can hang out. In the meantime Im doing this Kinesiology homework.... It's alot... I've calculated all 7 days activities, i've just got to do the food and then make some graphs, say whether it's telling me if im going to gain or lose weight and then explain how i should change my eating habbits to be healthy.. I could've been hanging out with Keith,Sofia,Steve, Vanessa, Tom, Kenny, and Jon, cept im doing this. Steve's got to do this project to, but he's not going to... I know, he's supposed to hand it in before he leaves for Germany on Monday, It's due Tuesday, and he's at Keiths and works this weekend... Not to mention not started.. I hate when people do that... Damn Procrastinators!!!! (Ah who am I kidding, I'm one of the worst procrastinators alive) Anyway I'll probably save the Food Calculations for tomorrow morning or something whenever i can get help from Jaclyn... either way im outtie! Later Days!
Quote for this entry:
THE MARS VOLTA - "Clipside of the pinkeye flight, I'm not the percent you think survives, I need sanctuary in the pages of this book"