what can you do with a sentimental heart?

Nov 20, 2008 20:45

The hand claps still get me, every time.
Your face haunts my thoughts every night before I go to bed.
His hands don't fit mine the same way yours did.
I hate the lighting in H&M's dressing rooms.
Gears of War 2 is the greatest video game. I long to chainsaw another zombie in half.
Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday, but I'm throwing a dinner party anyway. The only good thing about Thanksgiving is it's appropriate to start compiling Christmas lists and sending out the Holiday cards.

Christmas is almost here, it's my favorite holiday if you couldn't tell. I feel absolutely confident in saying that I love the single life, I enjoy being alone. Last weekend, I dressed up in my best heels and stayed in a bookstore for almost three hours just because I could. However, with the ever present holidays drawing closer and closer, I am growing weary of having no one to share this joyous time with. I want someone to kiss me under the mistletoe, someone to share hot chocolate and a blanket with, someone to buy me presents and wrap them nicely, someone to share that midnight kiss with when the New Year rolls in.

And I swear, come January 26 -- the day I start my second semester at college -- I will cut all ties loose and resume my single gal festivities. But I am growing so desperate for a holiday boyfriend that I may soon post an ad for one on Craig's List.

The California wildfires almost ate my home alive. It truly is a scary sight when outside of your window all you can see is black soot coming towards you. I always thought of the question "if your house was burning down, what would you save?" as purely hypothetical. But on Sunday, it became a literal thing for me.

The answer? My laptop, my Polaroids, my clothes, my Pooh Bear, and my journals.

age: i was nineteeeeeeen

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