Jan 04, 2005 21:51
So first day back at school... yeah, but at least it went fairly well even if it sucked it was the best sucky day ever!
CompSci went really well we sorta read over Qeues which are just like stacks except a hell of a lot simpler and with yet again more function calls that do the same damn thing as the old ones. But as always the innuedos poured forth from our schramm readin with alex, stephen, and i sitting there. So needless to say it was a good day to be in CompSci, and i'm determined to make A's in that class this semester or else face a self implemented ass beating, and event to go down in history for sure.
Back in Chemistry, better than i thought even if my first thoughts upon entring the class were "OH" and "SHIT!", becuase the majority of the 12-15 peopl in that room where that thuggy popular element that seems to like bullying me though they seem to have accepted me as one of them. HAHA! little do they know i'm a evil computer nerd bacteria, but i met someone new named Elise who is my new lab partner and into computer games, kick ass this might not be so bad after all. Also i got all the supplies i needed except for a book which hopefully i will be able to get tommorow morning and turn my homework in late or something dammit i hate this school system not giving me the books i need.
Music History... a free day, and theres something to be said for freedays, and that is that free days kick major ass
PreCal... up it was PreCal cept now the popular element that makes up that class has exiled me to sit in my own section of desks alone, cant say i mind much though nice and quiet and i can do my work.
Physics was fun cept when some people brought up some of my more recent past and made me froth with anger, but i stayed cool and didnt let them know that the hate was bubbling up. Other than that i got an excuse to tell my class about our uber magnesium fire and such which was damn cool. Also the homework for that class was deceptively easy so i should be doing well in there + i found out that there will be 9 average adjustments in there before he checks to see if we meet curve requirements, spiffy i know.
Then off to lunch where i'd never been so happy to hate someone so much. There were some yelling mexicans, but they left quickly. I think i will go to sit in theater hall or at least find somewhere new to sit in the next few days the hatred almost made me lose my appetite.
English was same ole.
APUSH was also same ole + terrorism.
But over all what i have to say for today is it amazing that no matter how much smarter you get you can always look back to stuff you've done and go JESUS H CHRIST WHAT WAS I THINKING. IT amuses me but then i also realized that being able to do this means life has to be constantly looking up which it is so i'm happy. and things are indeed looking up.