More funny from the funny guy

Jan 08, 2006 20:55

Well this will be a relatively short entry since it is once again back in school for me. I was passed down a interested website from som FFXI buddies of mine, this site is The Acts of Gord. It is a very old site apprently dating back at least 3 years buuuuut its newst ome and mostly likely to most all non-Canadians. So without further ado i present to you Gord.

"What do you think you're doing?"
"Well, I was looking at the map there. Specifically Oceania, and wondering how people managed to colonize it by sitting in little canoes and hoping they hit land. And of course, listening to Blumchen. While she is singing in German as you can hear, I am told by a German that she is in actually from England. That's just crazy enough to work if it's true."

"I meant this note from your collection company."


This quote just happens to be on the last pages of the entire set of book, so i grabbed it. Funny but not nearly as funny as the rest. The site follows Gord, a game shop owner that has successfully outsmarted his deadbeat customers for year, and as such has decided to write it all down on the internet and so forth. The Gord amuses me, hail The Gord.
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