(no subject)

Dec 18, 2005 19:28

Wow... its been forever and a day since i updated. I suppose i should dicuss all thats happened this school year before i put in the quick blurb i had originally intended to insert in here.

None. At least none to fruitation. I think this has multiple reasons but thats pointless to talk about. I have had a few interests this year since my last real one ended just before school started for the reason of divine logic. Logic is often the bane of my exsistance. But some other were curious, one for a senoir that i realized was simply a stupid idea. Another for a sophmore in my soccer league, also i think a bad idea. And while i have little real interest i have yet another girl i plan to call and get to know soon that i met at the Academic Decathlon competition. Also there is yet another senoir girl i do have particular interest in at our school but she seems to afriad of me for it to go anywhere, damn shame. But that really somes up the last 5 months of so of relationship for me.

I have sincerely missed my college friends, but i have also made a few interesting ones this year that i will hopefully never forget. I really have to give D&D a hand for this because the most interesting people i have seen this year were all congregated there. Though that group seems to have broken away for lack of interest in time, this I think would normally strike me as very hard to accept and i am at odds withmyself as to why it does not, oh well. While i'm mentioning friends i need to of course mention Monika as she has been my saving grace this year, nuff said. Also while i suppose she was my friend before and more so to say the least as of this summer, but a senoir girl that sits but a few seets ahead of me in Biology and was at lunch has shown me a great many things as well. Mainly just unintentionally showing me that she by all means could be a great friend of mine if she had a bit more time, btu also showing me how my firneds in college, yes all you wierdos, have influenced me... still not sure if its good or not, but i like the change so w00t. Props to her as well. Thats all my deliberation on thsi topic.

Its been rather boring this year to be honest. My XboX is broken this year and i have had little to look forward to from day to day except D&D and making through anopther week, another college application, another day of breathing. I do enjoy breathing. But as a few words of angst I would like to say that no one appreciates the brand of humor i so deeply developed over the last few years except for a few very busy individuals so i have been somewhat alone in the dark simply counting the days until my wonderful college compatriots venture back for a wee visit. But i have also realized that i made some extremely poor decisions with those closer to home, and come to face my own cowardice in the form of unwillingness to act. I hate myself for this, among other things. i find myself wishing only to go back and change one sentence, on moment, but thats the past. That somes up my general complaints about life i suppose.

Has anyone else been menaced by the lack of new gaming experience? I have. I mean, granted i don;t have an XboX or a job to speak of so that may in fact be limiting my choices in the matter, but damn. I am playing the older games again, and again, and again. Also i have been playing FFXI as always, but there is only so much to capture my interest even there. I need an escape, i need a future.

Take the quiz at dicepool.com

You are a four-sided die, a d4. Otherwise known as a tetrahedron, a "Caltrop", or (to a lesser degree) "Ol' Pointy". This crap bores you, so I'll get to the point. Others tend to see you as petty, conniving, manipulative, argumentative, defensive, greedy, and needlessly antagonistic. You see yourself as focused, effective, efficient, influencing, shrewd, tactical, and direct. Both points of view are in fact correct. You always know the best way to get things done, a fact that never wins sympathy with others. Whenever you manage to gain control of a situation, your solutions are swift and brutal. Unfortunately everyone else is convinced that granting you such power is, "a bad thing" and often conspire to keep it out of your hands. Such short-sighted fools!

But now that I'm done with all of that the real news. Someone at my church, whle i was wearing tights and making dead baby jokes, made an honest offer to attempt in saving my soul. I am yet deliberating whether this be a threat, an insult, or an offer to not be taken lightly. Comments?
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