Story: Hallelujah

Jan 10, 2009 05:40

Titel: Hallelujah
Author: Gesa (xiotonks )
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ/Emily
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
AN: After quite some time of writer's block I'm finally, finally shaken up enought to write again
AN2: I bet nobody of you can name all three songs in there^^

Snowflakes are hitting the frozen lake in front of you. Slowly. Silently. Peacefully. Look at you, Prentiss. Look at what this woman has done to you. Don't you ever dare to speak of compartmentalizing again. Because compartmentalizing ended the moment you first laid eyes on her.

Like an angel passing through the room, she draws my eyes to her. And I can’t look away - or can I?

You wonder what it would be like if you could hear the snowflakes touch the ice of the lake. Would it be a quiet sound like the noises JJ made when she slept beside you? Or would it be loud and harsh. Like an atom bomb hitting its target. Because that’s what you’ll always connect with JJ. Destruction and chaos. Involuntarily you have to touch your mouth.

Our lips part after our first kiss. Instead of getting angry I’m paralyzed. Can’t I just blame everything on the moon?

You force your eyes back to the ring in your hand. The harsh light of the winter sun catches the diamond and for a second you have the image of burning magnesium in your mind - pure and powerful but at the same time able to destroy your eyesight if you only so much as look at it. You wonder what it would be like to burn under water. But then again why would you want to know what it’s like to be burning?

First she only looks at me. Suddenly she’s all over me  - then we’re all over each other and every breath we draw is hallelujah. When did I actually give up control over my life?

You make a tight fist around the ring. The pain of it pressing into your skin reminds you of what you’ve lost.  Burning can’t be much worse than this. In a sudden outburst of anger you throw the ring out onto the lake. You don’t hear it hit the ground.

jj/emily, emily prentiss, titel: hallelujah, fanfiction, criminal minds

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