First Backdate!

Jul 14, 2003 20:32

Sunday, April 13 2003

Dorobou ni narimasu!
It's funny the way little things can jolt hidden memories lodged in the corners of your mind. Travelling along these roads, my thoughts wander to the green fields of Geffen.. of the times spent idly making daisy chains and swinging, play fighting with Ackonder nee chan, having my bruises tended to by Shen nee chan.. sitting on my fathers knee whilst he told me stories of princesses and castles.. knights and dragons.. all the adventures I wanted to have myself..

A-aaah! This is starting to sound depressing ne? ^^;; Gomen.. just thinking of what to write here.. Is making me feel so.. nostalgic..
Heeeh, if only I started to write when I was younger neee? ^^

It was the same when travelling with Ruby.. It was all so much fun.. and I learnt so much! But.. it also made me.. a little sad. Sad that I would never be able to go back to those times. I wanted to make my father so proud of me.. but.. would he ever be proud of having a thief for a daughter..?

Iyaaa Xionne chan.. shikari shite! This is so unlike me su! x.x Well anyways! Ruby had decided to take me to Morroc.. She said it was the next biggest city to Prontera.. and also.. I could prolly put some other skills to use if I didn't find anything. At the time ne, I had no idea what she meant. She taught me so many things though! I began to get faster and more agile without even realizing it.. but.. I was still a screw up su.. ^^; Then.. we arrived at Morroc..

I don't think it's possible to describe what I felt walking into the city for the first time. Everywhere I looked, I could see oppurtunity~ Never before had I seen a street market su! People busy selling their wares, just so much.. so much.. life! I thought that I was going to like it there. ^^ I thought I would make something of myself.. demo ne.. things don't always happen the way you want them too su. Ruby had to leave me, as she had "important things" to take care of. o_o;;; ...I started to think how wonderful it must be to be as free as her.. no worries, or commitments.. She lived everyday the way she wanted, no rules to tie her down.. Just... Waii!!

It was the night I decided that I was going to be like Ruby! I couldn't wait neeee.. I was so excited! So, naturally, I didn't~

The night air was much more cooler and inviting then the harsh heat of the day - I decided to search for the headquarters of the Thieves guild su.. demo.. I got.. kinda lost.. HAHAHA!! ^^;; That was probably quite stupid when I think about it though.. after all, Morroc is one of the last places you'd expect to get lost.. was dark and.. Ah, nevermind >>!

(Players note: The following did actually happen su o_o but.. gamewise nee XD)

I ran into a group of people.. 2 Priests, a Huntress and some others.. ano.. they weren't very nice su.. saying mean things.. and I tried to run, but.. >< One of the priests caught me.. and teleported me away. At first, I had no idea where I was..I just knew I was surrounded by shadows ne.. and then.. as they grew nearer and my hands grew cold, it dawned on me.. .. I was in Orc Village x.x And I was surrounded.

With no where to run or hide, I cowered down.. I remember calling out in my mind for someone, anyone, to come and save me. I thought of my father, my sisters..I thought of Ruby, and of how I would never be a thief after all.. I thought of my mother.. and how I would never find her, after all. I felt so pathetic su.. and I started crying. And then I thought.. "Wait a second su.. Why aren't I being attacked o_o;;?" And I looked up.

The Orcs were dead. Standing in front of me, dressed in purple, Lilac scarf streaming behind her in the wind, and Katars stained with blood.. stood Shen nee chan. Of course, it wasn't her su, but so much alike. She smiled at me. So kindly. I'd never felt so safe..

Her name was Utako su. She'd been a Priestess before, but.. something had happened, I didn't dare ask what. In the end, it was her that looked after me. I never saw Ruby, but Utako knew her apparently! Utako sama took me to the guild, waited for me as I undertook the dreaded "Mushroom Test", and helped me gain a few new skills that have helped me sooo much on my travels. It was so much fun! >^^< But all things come to an end su. Utako sama went to help other novices train up.. and me? Well.. I left the Thieves guild in search of adventure! I visited so many places neee ~ I should write about some of them sometime *-*

But I think.. I shall start.. with Archer Village..

... and that can wait til later! I'm hungry.. time to hunt su! X3


Saturday, April 26 2003

First Encounters: Sono Ichi!
Waiii..... that was a close one! Note for all you kiddies out there:- If you're going to break into a merchants appartment, make sure, and I mean MAKE SURE, that you bring lots and lots of carrots with you to fend off his legion of mad rabid Lunatics! I swear su.. that guy most be the only one in the world to keep a Reydric in his toilet. <<;;
What was I doing there..? o_o; A-ah well.. you see.. I left in kind of a hurry an -and.. Oh? You meant the house su? Hehe! Well, you see, the merchant in question is no other than Lord Corinth D'acat, wealthiest man in the whole of the east of Rune-Midgard, and owner of the Autumn Dawn -- A huge, HUGE diamond, with a mysterious golden glow. It's said that it can filll even the most blackened heart with warmth, and cure most known ailments. It's even rumoured that it has a soul of it's own..

HAHA!! Listen to me, talking about rumours! Baaaaka mitai ne
None of that is really important at all~ Rumours are just exaggerated stories after all, told and turned around so many times through the years that the truth ceases to exist, and the core is shrouded in romance, a sonnet to lure in the next generation of fables. It's like any of that is true or anything.. I mean.. come on now.. how could it be su? =P So why do I want it then...?

It's a JEWEL! *-* It sparkles and and and it's.. pretty! So of course, it should belong to the person who will treasure it the most su! That being.. moi! Don't you think so? Mmhmm, that's definately an aspect of thievery I was naturally born with.. the love of all things shiney or sparkly~ Mooouuu to own something so beautiful! Hoshiiin~! >So wonderful, so precious... and so very well guarded ne. Ahhh, if only Ceall chan, or Ryukia chan, or Chirry chan or any of my beloved guild were here I could have -- >< I want to see them all again so much.. To sit with them and tell stories, tease Chirry chan (XD), or go on some wild adventure! Even just to sit down in Archer village and talk to them..

Heeeeeh, this brings back memories ne! Like the first time I ever went to Archer Village su~ The journey there was easy enough o.o Well.. Easy enough until you take a wrong turning and end up running for your life as a group of angry Poison Spores pursue you! Hai, of course I ran. I mean, as much as I like dying, I didn't want to have to make that long a journey again for a while su~

The famous Payon Caves, home to the were my next destination, so instead of settling down in Payon to heal my injuries, which perhaps I should have done.. I wandered straight to Archer Village and collapsed there. I lay there on the soft grass, holding my arms up to the sky, watching the trickles of blood race down from my hands su.. *-*; And just when I thought I was going to pass out, I felt.. a strange, tingly warmness. It was a warmness I had rarely felt before ne, but I knew what it was. I looked back at my arms. The blood had gone. TT

"Well.. looks like you're all better now..Try and take better care of yourself ok? ^^". I turned around. Behind me stood a young priest. o.o He couldn't have been more than.. I dunno.. 13 or 14 years old (okies so I do know.. bite me su! XP), with short, neat blonde hair and one of those trendy kitty bands you see everywhere nowadays su~ I was shocked. It was the first time a priest had ever been nice to me su o.o . I don't know what came over me then~ but I started following him around the village, watching as he cured people, without ever asking for payment. Demo ne.. I must've scared him because.. as I went over to ask him his name, he turned around, looking startled, and warped himself away. I couldn't help myself su. I started laughing! XD

I spent the rest of the day and night just hanging around ne~ I still couldn't believe that a priest had actually healed me. I never trusted them before, especially after Morroc, and to be completely honest, I still don't su. ^^;; However, I did want to thank him, and apologize for scaring him. =D And anyhow~ the atmosphere there was pretty friendly there, even towards thieves and assassins o.o, and quiet enough to nap in.. it was the next day that was really, really fun though su ..~

MOU!! Look at the time already! No wonder my head is spinning su. @.@ Well.. that, and the punishment I got earlier! Maa, the Autumn Dawn can wait til another time I guess~ maybe when minna is together again. For now, I should set my sights on something smaller.. That merchant there has some valuable looking items neeee... but it can all wait.. until.. tomorrow.. -.-

Yeps, I'm going to work on my icon and layout another day.. too tired to do it now =D Demo Ryu chan.. so talented TT .. I need more space for icons >
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