[drabble; spn] the kingdom of god

Dec 02, 2009 15:30

Title: The Kingdom of God (is Within You)
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Summary: Cas explains himself and Dean does nothing.
Warnings: Spoilers for 5x04.
Word Count: 383
Notes: Title from Leo Tolstoy's magnum opus by the same name.

Dean stands over his own still body, identical but for lack of some of his scars. He flexes his fingers to work out the lingering ache from the punch, not unconscious of the rustling in the foliage behind him. The thoughts of how Cas used to be stealthy, and all the things those thoughts bring with them, rise unbidden. But the other man - yes, Dean needs to remind himself, just a man - makes no attempt to conceal his presence.

Instead, he draws himself forward until he stands at Dean's side, eyes locked on the man from the past.

"I'm gonna go," Cas says easily, casually. I know, Dean wants to say, half authoritative command, half resignation. Cas doesn't let him. "But don't treat me like an idiot. I know. I knew before I said yes that I wasn't going to be leaving here today."

This time Dean does manage a small, "I know." He keeps his tone neutral, knows how to be a good leader. Disconnect.

Cas lets out a scoff and asks, "Do you? Do you know why?"

Dean would've liked to believe he had known. Now, though, he's not so sure, so he doesn't say anything.

"Not to save the world. Not to stop the apocalypse, not to kill Lucifer," and there go Dean's theories. Hell, that was a pretty accurate list of the reasons anyone was fighting this fight, sans survival, which, Dean guesses, wouldn't really fit on this particular list. "For you," Cas finishes, Dean's eyes widening. Maybe, at one point, he could've hoped that that was one of Cas' reasons, but now? After everything?

"So you can keep living. So maybe, when the dust finally settles, you can try to live a happy life."

Dean bites his lip in guilt. Not just because Cas felt like he had to die so Dean could have a happy life, but because there was no chance of what Cas was asking for happening. Sam, Bobby. Cas was just the last tie to severe before Dean could go out with a bang, die as Sam - as Lucifer - did, or as soon after as he could manage.

Cas draws into his personal space, for one deliberately. He lays a soft, chaste kiss on Dean's lips and says, "Goodbye, Dean."

Dean can't bring himself to watch as Cas walks away.

fic, spn, dean/cas

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