Mar 05, 2009 13:55
I am still big. Still pregnant. Gryphon is going in for his Tubes surgery tomorrow morning. Parker has been a little shit at school. She hit her teacher yesterday and has been yelling at Matt when he doesn't give her what she wants. She has been testy with me too, but not like this. I am so afraid of what she will turn into after Fee is born. I am dreading it! I have a week and a half of work left. I am still thinking I will have this baby at the beginning of April. I am super nervous that the baby is transverse. My MW seems to think Fee is head down and good, but I am thinking either transverse or there is more than one. How the hell can you have arms and legs on each side and top and bottom? Maybe I am having a huge spider instead of a baby. lol
At my blessingway I received a gift certificate for this really great spa place, and I am wondering if I should get a cut and color, or massage, or perm. I know I know.. a perm? Well my hair is so limp and lifeless that I HAVE to dry and curl it daily if I want to avoid looking like some cracked out Ronald McDOnald. SO I thought a perm would be super easy for summer. The massage would be nice, but a prenatal massage is almost a waste right now. I need a DEEP tissue massage to get rid of the pain and stress.
anyway.... things around here are boring.
Please think of G tomorrow morning at 7AM central time.