Jan 20, 2009 14:29
Oh sweet Obama ! Today I spent the day setting up my laptop in our class so we could watch the inauguration. We had to get permission from parents to let their children watch the swearing in ceremony. I was really pissed off that in this huge historical moment, children needed permission to watch a huge piece of history take place. All of the parents I contacted said of course, so we were clear to watch. I watched in our classroom for a bit, then went into the auditorium with Gryphon's class and sat with my first born. He was so excited to sit with me. He rested his head on my shoulder and smiled up at me. When the swearing in was over Gryphon stood up and said "Obama rocks in 2008!" I had to remind him that it was 2009, and Obama does indeed rock. I am in this moment proud of the USA. I don;t know that I have ever been proud before, but I am excited to see the change that our country, and world for at matter, needs.
In other news, I am still pregnant. My stomach is feeling big BIG. 8-10 weeks to go. It's a downhill slope right? lol I have a lot to get together, but if I plan my time right I can get it done. My midwife wants a birth plan and I am just not in the mood to write out a birth plan. Not today anyway.
I finally took my instinct phone into the sprint store, cause it kept doing crazy weird things. So they ended up giving me a new one. Yay right? yeah no... my contacts were on the phone, but not the calendar entries. Of course I had no appointments written down or anything like that. SO I woke up this morning and tried to call Matt... lo and behold my contacts were completely erased. So I went ahead and programmed it in and it erased it again. I went onto Sprint.com and used the backup of my contacts and tried to sync it to my phone.. nope. won't do it. Damn am I pissed. So I have to go back to the damn store and have them fix it. Cause I will be dammed if I am entering in 86 contacts by hand!
I think that catches everyone up to speed!
Happy inauguration day!