(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 04:32

Seth came to the house yesterday.  I fucking love that kid.  We had pizza... and stuff.

I didn't fall asleep until around 1:30 this morning.  I'll sum it up for yah, and such.

-My room mate flipped her shit, all over the place.  The staff restrained her, and locked her in like, every room on the first floor.  The rest of the 'residents' had to sit in the kitchen upstairs for about forty five minutes.  The girl was freaking out over..... cigarettes...

- I had to do my 'treatment plan' with Melissa.

-I don't understand why men work in an ALL GIRLS HOME..... its not comfortable.  I'm not the only one that feels that way.  Plus, the guys a prick.  I got into a fight with him four or five times yesterday.  He began each and every sentence with,  "Sam, I don't mean to pick on you"  At one point, he was all,  "I'm sure you deserve to be here anyway.  So why don't you be quiet and just go in your room:"  Fucking prick.  Argh.

- I got into a fight with Clarice yesterday.  Like literally, up in the face almost - fist - fight if it weren't for staff and stuff.  While the staff was restraining my pshcyo room mate, we were all alone.  She decided to make comments about "Crazy white bitches"  and I was all,  "Excuse me?  I'm white"  and she was all, "I don't wanna fucking hear it.  GO sit in the corner"  and me, being angry for the past few fucking years anyway, decided to just keep going... smart.  And so I was like,  "No wait, you're going to insult me and then pussy out?  You think you're hot shit, come on."  and all the girls were all,  "oooooooh!!!!"  and she was all,  "Shut the fuck up nigga, I don't wanna hear that shit from you"  and I was all,  "Nigger?  Sorry, a second ago, I was a crazy white bitch"  and she was all,  "Shut up I ain't wantin to play witchu"  and I was all, "No, not now that I have a point..."  and then a staff came up.  He sat there for a while, being all prick like.  And so Clarice was all,  "Damn, I hate the psycho's in this house."  and I was all,  "The whole house?  Or just the white chicks"  and she was all,  "Fuck you I didn't say shit don't try and start shit with me" yada yada yada.... she got yelled at by staff.  Blah blah blah.   I hate that house.

-There's a new girl.  She tried fighting with me too.  Too bad she's 13, five feet tall, and about 75 pounds.

Then, my psycho roommate didn't end up leaving... so she cried and bitched at me till 1:30 ish.  Finally fell asleep, woke up at 4... now I'm here... Gotta go.  Yuss.

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