(no subject)

Jun 16, 2005 02:40

This is seriously the dumbest thing on the planet.

Someone actually wrote this dumbass article about "gentle discipline."

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't have a kid and I probably never will. But if I did, they'd get fucking disciplined if they deserved it. Not like, they left the door open so they get forty lashes. But for Christ's sake. This woman actually said "It's not me versus mommy, it's mommy and me in it together."

NO. THAT IS THE EXACT KIND OF ATTITUDE THAT IS MAKING KIDS ACT LIKE SNOT THESE DAYS! Yes, treat your kids kindly, if you want to, that's your thing. But don't put them on an equal level with you. YOU are the adult, THEY are the child. It's not a "seen and not heard" situation. It's YOU ARE MOM, THEY ARE KID. End of story! You are the authority figure, not a friend! You don't want your kids afraid of you, but you definitely don't want them to not care what you think--because then they'll run around doing whatever the hell they want, and act like they deserve everything from everyone. You can't treat your kid like an adult! YOU CAN'T! They aren't adults! Fuck, I know some people older than ME who aren't adults! Don't let your SIX YEAR OLD have that kind of freedom; it's scary enough on those people. What next? Babies with licenses?

When I was little, I didn't get hit for stupid shit. I got yelled out, possibly put in time out, and in rare cased, grounded. If I REALLY worked up to it, or I hit someone, then I got hit, and usually then it was just a rap on the butt. I can't see myself ever rasing a kid "gently;" sure, I wouldn't hit them, because I rarely even hit people I hate, let alone something I'm supposed to love. But I definitely wouldn't NEVER hit them, and they would NEVER be put on the same level as me until they hit the age of at least sixteen.

People who raise their kids like that are the people I see at work trying to deal with the brat who's stomping around and screaming loudly because Mom can't afford to buy them some stupid ass toy. NO!

And another thing. What the hell is it with kids running around like idiots and breaking shit in stores? When I was little, I was raised with this:

"Touch it all you want, but when you're done, fucking put it back."

Seriously. If I was in a store and I moved something, my mom made me put it back where I found it. Not only was it good practice for at home, but it was just respectful. Don't let your kids run amok in stores, for Christ's sake! People have to clean up after them! Yeah, it's my fucking job, but I never signed up as "clean up after some people's ill-mannered fucking brats who should have been aborted because they'll never be functioning members of society."

My parents raised me strictly until I was about twelve. Once I got my period, they basically figured that my body was becoming adult, so I should be given some responsibilities. I got a job (after school shit, walking dogs, stuff like that) I had to save up for my little luxuries (books, clothes that I wanted out of season, candy, soda, shit like that), I got a bike, worked on it, bought the parts for it, and carted my own ass around (yeah, they drove me places, and still do sometimes, but for the most part it was me and my bike). I no longer had a curfew but the rule was that if I got busted for being out past the legal curfew, it was my own damn fault, and if I went to bed late and was tired the next morning, it was my own damn fault. However, my parents also made it plain that until I was in my own place, I was to follow the rules of their house, because they paid the bills. Until I started paying the rent, their rules were what were to be followed. And to this day, I follow their rules, even though I pay them rent. It's respect. And THAT is what should be garnered--respect, not friendship. My parents are my friends--now that I'm an adult and can relate to them. Before, they were my parents, the authority, and I think they did a damn good job raising me into a functioning adult. Which is more than the person who wrote this goddamn article is going to do.
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