Jan 15, 2006 21:34
im so lonely. i pray so hard to have a love that would be forever lasting. i tell everyone,"im fine being single...im having fun." im having fun alright. but, when i go home at night with no one to call about me day...it gets so lonely! its not always about fun you see, its about being yourself at all times. someone you are the up most comfortable with.
sometimes, i find myself wanting to cry when i see my friends so happy with their partners. its kind of like a constant reminder of what i use to have and what ive lost and what i can never get back. specially, with the person you fell inlove with or thought so. im not a picky person. i just want someone who isnt a queen, who can dress well, and make me laugh...like everyday! well...maybe not everyday. i feel like my own heart betrays me sometimes. it tricks me to have feelings for guys that i can never work anything out with.
god, i hate when i drown in my self-pitty. im mean i dont feel sorry for myself...i just execpt the way that my life is. sucky at some point...and not so sucky at other points. i just really want someone to LOVE...not care about me a lot, not adore me, or admire me...but love me. rico, why do you have to have a boyfriend!?