you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be and i don't wanna go home right now...

Mar 20, 2005 19:57

So my weekend has been pretty awesome.

Saturday i had to wake up at 8 and rush around to get ready because David was going to be here at 8:45. So David and Jasper got here and then we went to the McDonalds to meet up with Scott. So we got him, and then we drove out to Dennys. So we all just talked and laughed and had some fun. Then since we had an hour and a half before band started we just drove over to Kenwood. We just sat there and talked about cars and then just talked and goofed off. Then we decided to go over to the Wawa to get snacks and stuff to shove in David's trumpet case and eat on the way there and during the other bands. By the time we got back to the parking lot Brandon and Rob were there too. So we had them come over and park by us and then Ashley came outside with us too. Then we all got dressed in the parking lot lmao. What a sight that was... those kids are crazy. Then we went upstairs and warmed up and got on the bus. I think we did really well... especially in sight reading. So then we stuck around and watched some other schools go. Jeremy and I talked with Michael and ate gobstobbers and sweet tarts. Then on the bus ride home Jeremy and I just talked about stupid stuff. Then we got back to school around 5ish and i got changed again and waited for my parents. Then we went to Subway and came home, and i just layed around and relaxed.

Today i woke up around 10 and started cleaning. Ryan got here a little after 11. We watched the start of the race and waited for my dad to come home. Then we started building a fort in my room. I guess it took us about 45 minutes, and with my mom's help it turned out absolutely awesome. So we just hung out in the tent pretty me the entire day and then had dinner, and went right back too it. We just layed in there and talked, and laughed, and goofed off. It was great just to kick back and relax. I loved every minute of it. Then we started cleaning up which took like 10 minutes surprisingly and then he left around 7:30. Today was so awesome.

So spring break is in 4 more days. Thank God. I really need just some time to relax and lay around and do absolutely nothing. I also really need an FCR. They're always fun. But yah... that's basically all... later kids.
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