(no subject)

Feb 04, 2005 18:42

Marital Status : Dating
: Shoe size : 12
: Parents still together : yes
: Siblings : yes one brother a year younger
: Pets : yes 2 dogs

: Color : Green
: Number : 5
: Animal : white tiger
: Drinks : Jack and coke
: Soda : Dr. peper
: Book : catcher in the rye

: Kicked someone in the nuts? : yeah
: Stolen anything? yeah
: Held a gun: yea

: Color your hair? : nope
: Twirl your hair? : nope
: Have Piercings? : nope
: Have a boyfriend/girlfriend : sure
: Cheat on tests/homework? : In high school
: Drink/Smoke? : yes and yes
: Like roller coasters? : yeah
: Wish you could live somewhere else?: yea
: Want more piercings?: no
: Like cleaning? : yeah
: Write in cursive or print? : print
: Sweat a lot?: no

: Own a web cam? : yes
: Know how to drive? : yep
: Diet?: nope
: Own a cell phone? yea
: Ever get off the damn computer? : yeah

: Been in a fist fight? : Hahaha alot
: Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? : yeah that was new years
: Considered being a hooker? : once
: Cried over a girl/boy? once
: Lied to someone? : yeah
: Been in love? : yeah
: Fallen for your best friend? : not best friend but a good friend
: Made out with JUST a friend?: yeah
: Been rejected?: yeah
: Been in lust? : O yeah
: Used someone : no
: Been used? : Probably
: Been cheated on? : yeah
: Been kissed? : duh

: Current clothing : Ezkle fitch jeans and thats it
: Current mood : excited for tonight
: Current taste : nothing
: What you currently smell like : Zest fully clean
: Current hair : short
: Current thing I ought to be doing : I ought to be doing dinner with my girl but not tonight.
: Current cds in stereo : Thrice
: Current crush : Diana
: Current job : Constrution

: Last book you read : Contact
: Last movie you saw : Last samuri
: Last thing you ate : in and out
: Last person you talked to on the phone : Diana
: Do drugs? : nope
: Believe there is life on other planets? : yes
: Remember your first love? : yeah
: Still love him/her? : HELL NO!!
: Read the newspaper? sometimes
: Have any gay or lesbian friends? : yes
: Believe in miracles? : yep
: Do well in school? : Ofcourse
: Hate yourself?: nope
: Have an obsession? : animals
: Have a secret crush? : its no secret
: Collect anything? : shot glasses at the moment
: Have a best friend? : yes
: Close friends?: yeah ofcourse
: Like your handwriting? : sure
: Care about looks? yes and no
: First crush : that would have to be sue murray in the 7th grade
: First kiss : haha i think it was sue that was my first kiss
: Single or attached? attached
: Do you believe in love at first sight? : sure
: Do you believe in "the one?" : sure
: Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yeah
: Are you a tease?: Not really
: Shy to make the first move? : a little

ARE U A...
: Wuss: nope but zach is. and hes a emo bitch
: Druggy : no
: Daydreamer : sometimes in class
: Freak : no
: Dork : sometimes
: Bitch/Asshole : yeah i can be a ass sometimes
: Sarcastic : try not to be
: Angel : 75%
: Devil : 25%
: Shy : depends
: Talkative : very
: Flirt : no
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