Nov 20, 2009 11:37
All right, here we go. A list of all the pros and cons of working at Coles at this present moment. The end result of this post may result in my resignation, but we will see.
Reasons for staying:
-It's simple, enjoyable work (when I'm free to work at my own pace).
-Sam and Tom have been good friends to me.
-My wage just rose a few dollars so I'm earning more for the same effort.
-It gives me space to listen to podcasts of Ajahn Brahm, so it's a kind of opportunity to soak up Buddhist wisdom.
-I'm casual, so I can turn down hours if I don't want them (but it's very difficult to do this when someone is essentially begging you).
-It would be the right thing to do to stick by the store until after Christmas, especially given the strain on the remaining staff as is.
-I get 5% off from the Coles stores/branches while I'm their employee.
-It's convenient because the system is already in place, so it's easy to continue working in a familiar environment where I already have all the skills.
-Even if I don't have need of the money now, I should start saving so I have it in more difficult times to come.
Reasons for quitting:
-My evenings and half my weekends are full, limiting my time for leisure.
-A lot of staff have left this year, leaving only a handful to pick up the slack. This means huge pressure on the remaining workers to try and do the work that normally twice as many people were doing.
-I don't like the capitalist system, valuing production over the work itself. It doesn't align with my personal values.
-I'm slightly scared of the manager. He's always on the look out for whenever you're not working (e.g. talking, getting a drink etc.) and (though he generally leaves me to myself) he never smiles and is quick to criticise.
-Sam's under huge pressure and will likely push everyone harder to try and get the work done. Yes that's reasonable, but Coles should have employed more people.
-I'll barely be able to work over the next three or four weeks, what with going to Rottness, planning for/going to Margaret River, looking after Bethwyn when she gets her wisdom teeth out and my regular karate training. In particular for that last one, they've just restarted weapons training on Saturday mornings, which I won't be able to attend if I keep working.
-If I earn under $11000 Mum gets a $2000 lump sum benefit from Centrelink, which she'll give to me. If I keep working at this rate I'll earn way over the threshold. Work less = more money.
-I'm almost certain to have another job at Curtin library lined up by the start of next semester, so I'd only be unemployed for about three months. (Though I could always get another job meanwhile.)
-I don't want to get stuck at Coles. It's not going anywhere.
-I don't think money relates to happiness, and it comes and goes so quickly anyway. A life lived around earning money is a gamble, and doesn't always end happily.
The arguments just about weigh each other out. The right thing to do would be to stay until after Christmas, but I really want more time to be with Bethwyn. I guess I'll take as much time off as I can bear and stay with them until new year, where, like Alyssea, I'll just hand in my resignation and not come back. That is, once again, the plan for now. I just have to weigh up whether my regard for same is greater than my will to do the things I love.