there after me lucky charms

Dec 19, 2005 18:01


Name: Brett
Age: 14
Location: Cali
Sexual orientation/status: bi/single
3 words to describe yourself: wild/smart/fun
4 things that you like about your personality:
.very loyal to friends.
.i give out many compliments without realizing it until later.
.kind & loving.
5 things you like about your looks:
.hazel eyes.
.my hair.
.my small hands.
.beauty mark by my eye.
.long eyelashes.
Suck up to all of the mods and two members
Jess: beautiful hair.
Tenatah: sweet, nice, pretty, she was in an old community that i used to maintain.
Jen: she reminds me of this awesome girl i know & i love her picture with the flowers.
Gabriela: very pretty


at least 2 clearly showing your face:

full body shot:

additional 4+ pictures:

me as a little kid

picture you want for the userpage:

promote to at least 3 places.

i remember when i was this community the first time [my whole journal kind of stopped when school became to much to handle] all of you have come a long way from when it was little.

Congrats to the mod & co mods. you did great.

the links for the banners i made are still there. i'll have to re upload those for you. even if i dont get accepeted. thats pretty cool though.
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