I challenge:
10 reasons why I'm better than her (well thought out reasons)
1. She considers abortion of an unborn fetus to be "murder."
2. I'm better looking than she is.
3. Her taste in books makes me want to defenstrate myself.
4. According to her user info page she is "angsty." Yuk.
5. She says her favorite animal is a snake, but check out my baby. We're pretty much the cutest thing ever. I inherited her from my friend DJ who named her "Fate." So we're "Kate and Fate." Awwww.
6. My livejournal adopted daughter
imincrediblyhot hates her. I support my lj daughter fully in this area.
7. I have waaaay more body mods than she does.
8. I'm probably on more psychotropic medication than she is, making me more insane.
9. I am far more intelligent than she is in many ways.
10. Her favorite book is Interview With a Vampire!!! OMG ANGST!!!
I don't like her. I want her gone. I'm actually dislike her so much that I'm willing to put my community membership on the line. I would like to be the one who stays, though.